Top 10 Benefits of training with Body20

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The Science behind the Technology

Electro Muscular Stimulation (EMS) is a form of muscle stimulation using painless, electrical impulses. For the purpose of strength training and fitness, Body20’s ergonomic EMS machines replicate the central nervous system’s response to activate electrical impulses for rapid muscle contraction.

Body20 training programs are proven to be signifcantly more effective than any conventional gym workouts!

This is because the electro magnetic technology activates more muscle fibres in a shorter amount of time, which means your muscles work harder during the 20-minute exercise session. It’s not cheating – it’s just more efficient.

Body20 For Life

Become a Member and benefit from our Holistic offering.

Body20 members enjoy the immense benefits of progressive EMS training and continuous support from qualified Coaches who are dedicated to your fitness journey. Our Studios use weekly InBody body composition scans and our FitTrac progression tracking programme to monitor your journey and progress with us. Our holistic offering also includes the services of our Nutrition Doctor team, giving you access to personalised meal plans, supplementation and lifestyle tips.

Body20 is the market leader and largest EMS network in South Africa. We are unique because of our comprehensive service offering that includes everything you need to become stronger and fitter in only 20 minutes per session. Book a demo today and discover what it means to Activate Your Potential.

Chris and Devon Ross

Chris and Devon Ross

Body20 Cedar Square

Shop U2, 13 Cedar Square Shopping Centre, Cnr. Cedar Road and Willow Avenue, Fourways, 2005

Tel : 064 531 2944

Email :

Chris and Devon Ross are the dynamic father-son duo and owners of Body20 Cedar Square. They started their EMS journey in 2016 when Devon became a Body20 Champ.

As he gained more experience, Devon’s passion for EMS grew and he soon convinced his dad, Chris, to give it a try! The quick 20-minute training sessions suited Chris’s busy lifestyle and discussions were soon underway to open a Body20 family franchise!

The Ross family runs a tight ship at the Body20 Cedar Square studio, and their friendly team goes the extra mile to help members achieve their fitness goals.