Body20 is your answer to EMS training solutions in your area. We have studios across the country that are geared and ready to assist you with this brand-new method of training and working out your body. Yes, there are many questions surrounding the effectivity of EMS training, and today, we will discuss some of these questions to give you a better picture of what to expect.
The answer to this question solely depends on the type of person you are. This applies to any type of workout or training programme. If you are someone who can commit to a brand-new lifestyle and training programme, a Body20 membership can work wonders for your body. Regular EMS training and a balanced diet can assist you to tone your body, increase muscular strength, and reduce the overall fat percentage of your body.
If you are the type of person who lacks commitment and struggles to maintain a regular exercise routine and balanced diet, you will not get optimal results from our EMS training solutions.
A standard EMS training solutions lasts for about 20 minutes and requires you to wear a specific training garment. This garment allows your coach to pulsate core muscle groups with low- to mid-frequency electrical pulses. These pulses stimulate the muscles by causing muscle contractions while doing your workout. In turn, it intensifies the effect of the workout, which means that your 20-minute session can equate to roughly 4 hours spent in a gym. This is perfect for the working adults who struggle to make time for extended workout sessions.
Once you become a member of the Body20 family, you will have access to a variety of EMS training solutions and accompanying services to ensure that you can adjust your lifestyle and dietary intake accordingly. We offer weekly In-Body assessments, October-Health app, access to a nutrition doctor, and various training programmes to match your fitness goals. Whether you want to reduce the effects of cellulite on your body, tone your muscles, or turn fat deposits into muscle tissue, our EMS training solutions can help you get there.
Body20 is your first choice when it comes to EMS training solutions in South Africa. Please browse our website if you want more info on the benefits of EMS training and sign up today to become a member. Let us help you turn your life around and reach your fitness goals.