With the new year comes the opportunity to try something new in your life. If you want to get in shape and adopt a healthy lifestyle, Body20 is your solution to EMS training in your area. We live in a time where your time is a precious commodity. Unfortunately, it takes a hefty time investment to go to the gym every day if you want to reach your fitness goals.
Body20 delivers a feasible alternative for people who simply do not have the time for gyms. A single 20-minute EMS training session equates to roughly 4 hours spent in a gym – saving you valuable time while getting a solid exercise in. Let’s delve into detail about how Body20 can get you on track to reach your fitness goals in 2025.
When you sign up for a Body20 membership, you get EMS training tokens that you can spend on weekly sessions. These sessions are designed to target core muscle groups by stimulating these areas with electro-muscular stimulation (EMS). This is done through the training garment that you will be wearing during such a session. Your coach will not only guide you through this session, but also stimulate these muscle groups during specific exercises.
As part of your Body20 membership, you will also get access to Nutrition Doctor. They can assist you with putting together a healthy dietary plan that will allow you to maintain and control bone density, muscle percentage, fat percentage, and water percentage to reach your fitness goals.
If you ask Google about “EMS training near me”, you are most likely to find a Body20 studio in your area. All you need to do, is pick the ideal membership plan that aligns with your fitness goals for 2025. We offer 3 distinct choices – all of which include a training garment – to give you a sensible approach to EMS training in your area.
Body20 is your solution to EMS training in South Africa. Please browse our website if you want more info on how EMS training can transform your body and contact us if you have any questions about our fitness solutions. Join the Body20 family today and reach your fitness goals with a time-efficient solution that suits the modern-day individual.