When you want to reduce the effects of cellulite on your body, Body20 offers a holistic solution! Our EMS training solutions do not only include cellulite exercises, but also deliver solutions to improve your posture and reach your fitness goals with approachable and feasible exercise programmes. As a Body20 member, you also get access to a nutrition doctor and weekly assessments to track your progress. In this article, we talk about cellulite, how cellulite forms on your body, and the necessary steps that you can take to reduce its effects.
Cellulite is classified as fat deposits that sit beneath the skin – causing lumpy, dimpled, and uneven skin textures around the thighs, hips, and stomach. There are several invasive and surgical methods to reduce the effects of cellulite. However, if you want to avoid surgery, cellulite exercises can help burn fat in your body and reduce its effects accordingly. Weight loss and exercise are rated as the most effective ways of non-intrusive cellulite treatments and are both possibilities with EMS training.
EMS training allows your body to get a 4-hour conventional workout within 20 minutes. This is possible with the full body workout suit that allows electrical impulses to target core muscle groups during your workout. By targeting these muscle groups, you can reduce the size of fat cells in these areas and the effects of cellulite accordingly. This also helps to tone and shape your body by building muscle tissue and replacing dormant fat tissue with active muscles. No matter what your fitness goals are, you can benefit from a weekly Body20 EMS training session.
Our Body20 memberships are designed to fit your specific fitness goals – whether you only want a single weekly session or would like to fully commit to a complete body transformation. Our Lifestyle packages offer a single weekly EMS training token and includes a weekly InBody assessment to allow you to keep track of your progress. This package also includes your training garment and a FitTrac assessment every 6 weeks. You also get access to a nutrition doctor to help you adjust your diet and ensure that you can maintain a healthy intake along with your new exercise routine.
Body20 is your holistic solution to cellulite exercises and burning fat with EMS training solutions. Feel free to browse our website for details on EMS training and our packages and join the Body20 family today to reap the benefits of a modern-day approach to fitness.