The Mind-Body Connection
You know that feeling where you are so nervous you begin to sweat and your hands start shaking? Or your tummy feels like it is in knots, or your excitement and anticipation is so high that your heart rate increases. That is the mind-body connection in its simplest form.
We have known for many years that our emotions can affect the way we feel physically, but only recently have scientists delved deeper into this connection and begun to realise how much deeper it goes and to what extent our thoughts, our minds and our emotions affect our physical being.
The link between our thoughts, attitude, behavior and our body is a very important component of holistic medicine – the philosophy that seeks to treat a whole person, not just symptoms. This is a philosophy that Body20 embodies, working on our Members' health and fitness as a whole.
The human brain is a supercomputer. When we are stressed, our brain releases two hormones (adrenaline and cortisol), designed to give us a short-term energy boost so we can get out of tricky situations quickly. However, with the fast-paced way we live our lives today, these stress hormones are released more frequently, leaving us with negative affects on our body such as a weakened immune system, digestive issues and a delay in healing.
Poor emotional health can (and will) lead to poor physical health. Science has proven that people who suffer from mental wellness are more likely to be sickly, they take longer to heal, vaccines are less effective and their general health is often compromised.
Being aware of just how closely intertwined these two elements are, it is imperative that we take the necessary steps to ensure that our thoughts are affecting our bodies in a positive way. By making a few small mental changes to your day, or your way of doing things you are likely to notice a change in your health, your energy levels and your overall well being.
Express Yourself
We are always told to talk about our problems and although you might not want to at the time, internalising your concerns and anxiety can lead to elevated blood pressure, headaches and other health issues. There are always options. Speak to a professional or unload on a friend, but make sure you keep your head and heart clear of emotional clutter.
Take Time
Work on your gratitude for the small things in your life that bring you happiness. Make time for these things. Work is a reality and needs to be done, but you have to look after yourself as well. Research has proven that spending just a few moments a day doing something you enjoy will elevate your dopamine levels, helping to reduce stress and panic. Linda E Carlson(PHD), principal investigator and director of research as the Tom Baker Cancer Centre in Canada was quoted, “We already know that psychosocial interventions like mindfulness meditation will help you feel better mentally, but now for the first time we have evidence that they can also influence key aspects of your biology.”
Be Balanced
As you work on your emotional well-being, you will notice an improvement in your body. Use this to your advantage and create a strong balance. Find time to focus on your nutrition and your exercise. Choose exercises that are calming for your mind. Develop a routine. Regular exercise can help you release negative energy, thus strengthening your mind-body connection.
Body20 takes a holistic approach to your health. Members have access to Wellness Coaches who guide and support you on your journey. Contact your nearest studio to book a demo.