2022 has flown by and we’re heading for the final stretch. Do you remember the resolutions you made at end of last year? How many did you stick to?
Firstly, don’t panic. If you slipped up or let your resolutions slide it is ok! You still have time to get back on track. In this blog, we give you some advice on how to recommit to your resolutions.
Let’s look at the why, what and how of it all.
Remember the ‘Why’.
Feeling demotivated is normal and understandable, so remind yourself why you wanted to give yourself a particular goal in the first place. Refocusing on the goal might motivate you to pick up where you left off. Maybe you wanted to get fit and work got in the way, or you wanted to realign your work-life balance. Consider creating a vision board with achievable goals. Keep this somewhere where you will see it every day to remind yourself and keep you motivated and your goals fresh in your mind.
Redefine the ‘What’.
Change is the only constant in life, so take a bit of time to redefine your goals based on where you find yourself now versus where you were at the end of last year. Maybe your work hours have changed or you took on a new project or picked up a new hobby. Sometimes, we can set unachievable goals for ourselves, so take a bit of time to rework your days to make time for yourself to work out, even if your workout is a short 10-minute walk every day, you are still one step closer to your goal than you were yesterday. Break your goals down into smaller, easily reached goals and be sure to reward yourself when you achieve them.
Rework the ‘How’.
The most important thing to remember is to give yourself some credit as well as some breathing space, whilst remaining accountable. You don’t have to do everything all at once. Slowly, slowly wins the race and setting goals and embarking on a lifestyle change is a marathon, not a sprint. Make suitable choices for your current lifestyle then let your family and friends know your plans. By garnering a support system, you will have people to help you remain accountable, whilst also being there to motivate and push you when you feel down or unable to meet the requirements you have set for yourself. Write down your plans, use your vision board and remember to add in rewards to help you along your way. Celebrate the small wins and they will eventually become big wins!
Most importantly, be patient with yourself. Before starting with all the why’s, what’s and hows, reflect on how far you have already come. You might have achieved some huge things this year that were not part of your original plan. Give yourself kudos for that. Push aside the excuses and simply be flexible in your approach to restoring your resolutions. You do not need to wait until the end of each year to decide to start living a healthier life.
The time is now. Activate your potential and be kind to yourself.
Body20 Members have access to our FiTrac Wellness Coaches, who will support, guide and assist you to keep motivated. Book your free demo at your nearest Studio to find out about our holistic wellness and lifestyle offerings.