Workout and eat like a pro-athlete

Workout & Eat like a Pro-Athlete

In a world dominated by quick fixes, life hacks, and fast tracks, it is often easy to forget that the simple way is often the most effective and easy to sustain.

As we gear up for another year of enjoying our favourite sports, now is the time to look ahead to what we can be doing in our health and wellness program to boost our performance.

As an amateur athlete or someone who simply enjoys a sporting lifestyle, there is no reason you cannot adopt a fitness and nutrition routine similar to that of a pro athlete.

In this week’s blog, we look at what professionals do to perform at their best.


Before we let you in on the elite athlete’s training tips, it is essential to remember that the pros dedicate all day to their chosen sport, whereas most of us have jobs and families to attend to. Adjust the advice below to suit your lifestyle and don’t be too hard on yourself.

1. Train more often

You do not need to spend hours in the gym. With Body20’s EMS technology, you can increase the frequency of your training sessions, because they only take 20 minutes per session. In those 20 minutes, you’re doing the equivalent of 4 hours in a conventional gym. With more frequent workouts, your Coach can balance your strength and cardio sessions to suit your lifestyle and goals.

2. Master your movement & mentality

Ensure you are working with a Coach who can help you work on your form. To get stronger, you must be able to work your muscles correctly. Athletes are successful due to their dedication to mastering sport-specific movements and working on improving them. In the same vein, you must work on being mentally strong. Have a support system that helps you push through mental barriers.

3. Don’t ignore the recovery

Recovery is not only needed after an injury but after all workouts. Think of it as aftercare. During a workout, your muscles tear down in order to build up and you need to take care of them. High-intensity workouts are very popular, but low-impact workouts like Body20’s EMS are proving to be even more effective. EMS has also been proven to aid and boost the recovery of strained or injured muscles. Consider taking a Relax session a week to give your body important recovery time


You only need to look at the physical form of some of the most successful athletes to know that their nutrition plans are successful. Keeping your diet simple and sticking to the most rudimentary rules of nutrition is the best way to build healthy habits that will allow you to sustain your eating plans.

1. Food is fuel

This base-level rule is often forgotten. In order for your body to function at capacity, it needs the right fuel. Avoid skipping breakfast. Consume a healthy meal of grains, fruit and protein. Plan out what you’re going to eat for the day and make sure you do not work out on an empty stomach. Approach a professional to ensure your eating plan is tailored to your needs. Body20 Members have access to Nutrition Doctors who will let you know what foods you should consume to perform at your best.

Everyone is different, so understanding the fuel your body needs specifically it of huge importance. Also, pay careful attention to the foods that make you feel lethargic. You don’t need to deny yourself your favourite things all the time, but moderation is important and eating a Big Mac before a big race is not the best idea.

2. Calorie Counting & Carbs

Sport’s nutritionist Dawn Scott says that according to experts, it's quite common for female athletes to be deficient in iron, which could slow you down and increase your risk of injury in any sport. So be sure to include plenty of iron-packed products, such as oatmeal, fortified cereals, red meat, and spinach, into your athlete’s diet.

Dawn also says that "The biggest nutrition mistake I see athletes make is reducing and/or limiting their caloric intake in an attempt to be lean," "This causes reduced stores of carbohydrates in your body, which are essential for training and performing, and can then lead to muscle breakdown, as your body eventually starts to use protein as an alternative fuel source." Remember to eat carbs before your sporting event!

3. Prep, prep, prep!

One of the oldest excuses in the book is that it's hard to stick to a routine. Pro athletes travel all over the world and have to plan in advance in order to stay on track. If you are prepared, excuses are unnecessary.

Plan your weekly meals on a Sunday. Take your work week into account and pack some healthy snacks for when you’re on the go. Where possible, cook and prepare all food in advance so you don’t have to worry about prep time when you’re done working.

Smoothies are great meal substitutes for when you don’t have time to sit down and eat. If at all possible, try to schedule your eating times in your daily planner so you don’t have to eat in a rush. Take time to enjoy your food, chew slowly and give your body time to digest your fuel.

There really is no secret to staying in shape. Eating and training for life and eating and training like an athlete are actually very similar, it all comes down to you and your dedication to your goal.

Challenge yourself to eat and train like an athlete and pop one of these exciting events into your calendar as a goal for the new year.

The 45th Cape Town Cycle Tour – 12th March 2023

The Comrades Marathon – 11th June 2023

Even though nutrition and training are evolving, sticking to the basics and understanding what your body needs at the simplest level is the ideal way to keep yourself healthy.

Athletes don’t do it alone, so neither should you. Surround yourself with professionals who are able to guide you, train you and ensure you stay motivated to reach your own personal goals.

Body20 Members have access to professional Coaches, Nutrition Doctors and Wellness Coaches who assess, assist and advise on the most effective health and wellness approach for you, uniquely.

Book a free demo at your nearest Studio and start training and eating like a pro athlete!

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